Sunday, August 23, 2009

When Housework and Social Media Collide: The Story of #HHC

I hate housework. I have hated housework for a long time. And I was ashamed. I thought that it was embarrassing to openly admit that I actually hated housework. My mom, grandmothers and aunts all found such pride in the tasks of keeping a home clean and, in my opinion, worked their butts off to do it. I guess the gene for loving housework didn’t get passed down to me. But, through social media via Twitter, I have found that I am not alone in my housework hating.

I signed up on Twitter in April 2009 knowing nothing about social media and just barely enough about computers to be dangerous. I was more interested in the “social” aspect rather than the “media.” After “tweeting” with numerous followers on Twitter who shared my “lack of passion” for housework, I began the Housework-Haters Club (#HHC).

It truly started as a joke with tweets like, “We should start a Housework-Haters Club.” Before I knew what hit me, I received many tweets from people all over the world and from all walks of life that wanted to join—women and men! As a newbie on Twitter, my followers and fellow-#HHC Members helped me to learn more about social media and I continue to learn something new every day. In April, I knew nothing about SEO, API, RT, LOA, or hundreds more acronyms of which I had no clue of their meaning. Heck, I could barely figure out how to retweet the excellent tweets of my friends and keep it under 140 characters. It is now August and I still know very little about most of those terms, but I have learned how to RT and I can tell you this:

“I love my followers. I did not pay for them; then they would be products. But they are people-super great people who have become my friends.”

My Sincere 140, @Decotta

Connecting with members on Twitter has been an awesome experience. In addition to sharing tips and opinions about housework, I have also developed strong friendships with Members of the Housework-Haters Club. From consoling and uplifting someone who just lost their job; congratulating a grandmother who just saw the ultrasound of her soon-to-be-born granddaughter; praying for a Member whose husband just had brain tumor surgery—to me, that is what social media is all about. Twitter has allowed me to reach out to others and develop relationships that I would otherwise be unable to do.

But my Twitter account wasn’t enough. I had to find a way to keep up with the members and we needed a “home” where we could come together and share ideas and offer suggestions. Thence, this blog was born and our Club has continued to grow daily.

Although many Members jumped at the chance to join Housework-Haters Club, I received a few tweets and messages of concern:

“But if I join, who’s going to clean my house?”

I want to take a moment to clarify that I do not encourage “not” doing housework and we are not planning a revolt. We are simply a group of like-mind people coming together for the purpose of sharing opinions, ideas, products and resources, all in an effort to make housework a little easier and enjoyable. You are eligible to join Housework-Haters Club if you sincerely hate housework (whether you do it or not). And if you like housework, you are still welcomed to join us……I know a bunch of people who would love to hire you or ask you for helpful tips. *hehehe*

Does a maid come with membership?
So sorry—the answer is No. However, we have received many inquiries and requests for product and service reviews on our blog. If a maid service calls me, you can bet I’m going to ask if they will sponsor a giveaway contest to our Members for a free cleaning!

I would love to join but I use a cleaning service……is that allowed?
Heaven’s Yes! Did you stop hating housework just because someone else was doing it? Nah. I didn’t think so. I have always tried to have a little help around the house and last year I hired a good friend of mine (Lisa) to come once a week to help me clean. She apparently doesn’t mind housework since she does it for a living. (I cannot even imagine doing it as a job! Uggh!) And she does a GREAT job! Lisa will also be involved with our Review Board to help me test products for review. Here’s a sneak peak at Lisa, an honorary member of the #HHC Review Board.
I am proud of my home and family, and I want both of them to be happy and healthy. I love a clean house and cannot stand filth or clutter (although I really have to work at the “clutter” issue). I enjoy working hard. I just do not want to work that hard at housework! I prefer to spend my time, energy and efforts with things and people that might make a difference in the world.

I’m so happy to be involved in something I have a passion for—Sharing, helping and connecting with real people!” I feel very privileged and honored to lead our Members and am blessed with the support and dedication of many great people. The respect, help and love I have received from our Members still amazes me, warms my heart and motivates me daily to learn and do more than the day before.

I am excited about the upcoming plans for the #HHC. I invite you to subscribe to this blog to receive updates of future posts about reviews, giveaway contests and news from the Housework-Haters Club. I would also love for you to follow me on Twitter at @Decotta. Once a member joins, they can also follow @HouseworkHaters on Twitter to receive tweets solely for Members only.

To our Members and Twitter, I sincerely thank you for this opportunity!

“Hate Housework….Not People”

With sincere appreciation,
Decotta, Founder
Housework-Haters Club


  1. Thanks for filling us in on the background! I enjoy the #HHC and all its wonderful members, but I'm still a bit bummed about the 'no maid included' part. :-)


  2. Excellent job of clarifying your thoughts and setting out what HHC is all about.

  3. Thanks WellspringCreations and Abellamiento! It was important to me to share this post and I appreciate your comments!
