Monday, July 27, 2009

Featured Member - July 2009

We would like you to meet our Featured Member for July 2009. (Don't forget to congratulate her and leave her a message in the comment section below.)

Maria (Mary) Smith
Twitter name: @Blairsden

Ten (10) Things You Don't Know About Me:

1. Have been married 34 years to hubby Rick (I was a child bride) LOL

2. Blessed with 3 children & 4 grandchildren (If I had known grandchildren were so much fun I would have had them first)

3. I love to travel. (My sister & I have our 3rd trip planned to Paris for Sept 2010 & my husband doesn't know yet)

4. I finally talked my husband into going to Hawaii in 2007. (We have been 4 times since)

5. My sister Anna @cheznous is my best friend. (She also is my personal travel agent :)

6. I love to read (fiction not non-fiction)

7. I keep falling off the Weight Watcher's food wagon (I love to eat, dislike exercising)

8. I love to shop (I consider it retail therapy & cheaper than a shrink)

9. Due to the housing boom I have moved 6 times since 1996 (due to the housing bust we will be in this house a long time)

10. I have been on Twitter since April 2009. (I am truly addicted & love every minute)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Housework-Horror Stories from Members

I thought it might be fun for our members to post their Housework-Horror stories and to get to know each other a little bit.

Does your housework-hating ever get you in a pickle? Do you have a funny story about housecleaning? Or maybe a downright scary story about your lack of it? We would love to hear it! Please post your story or remark in the comments section together with your name and Twitter username and let’s get to know one another.

P.S. The first member to submit their story will appear as our "Featured Member for July."

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Welcome to Our Members

Housework-Haters Club
"Whether We Do It or Not....We Still Don't Like It"

Dear #HHC Members:

Thank you very much for taking the time to stop here. I want this space to be a friendly place for our members to visit. I sincerely want this blog to be a forum where we can all join to engage, share ideas, complaints about housework and to promote the best use of our time and effort based on talents, dreams, goals and resources.

We will all have different reasons for being here. But our common goal is to join with like-minded individuals to better ourselves, while helping others, as we deal with the daily chore of housework. Some of us will carry the entire housework load upon ourselves. Some of us will have housework help; either with spouses, children or housekeepers/cleaning persons. Together, we can share our ideas and express our thoughts on this never-ending chore—Housework.

Please feel free to suggest ideas, topics for discussion or anything you feel would benefit our Club Members. I welcome your input and want you to make your contribution to our forum. I have very few rules (but reserve the right to make a few more along the way) and strongly encourage [translation: MUST ADHERE TO] the following guidelines.

1. There shall be no profanity, vulgarity or obscenities used on this site in any way whatsoever.

2. We must treat each other with respect and common courtesy; while acknowledging diversity of our members and promoting community within the Club. (Healthy debate is acceptable. Any behavior deemed unacceptable by the Founder, Officers, Committees or Members shall be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. But we’re sure that won’t be a problem.)

3. There shall be no marketing activities conducted within this site without prior approval of Founder. Networking is encouraged between Members but should take place outside of this forum.

I am looking forward to our growth, both as individuals and as a Club. I know that your contribution will make this possible.

With best wishes,
Decotta Brooks
Twitter: @Decotta

P.S. I am not a computer techie or geek; therefore, it may take a little time to get this blog set up correctly for our needs. If you have any comments or suggestions, I beg you to please send them to me. Thanks!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

